How To Get Rid Of Tension Headaches

Gabriela Samples
a week ago
Really great community feel, excellent level of knowledge and willingness to help. Most of my issues have gone after a thorough 4 month care plan and some work on my part. If you are in pain, it is worth paying for. Arthur will sort you out!
Lauren Morris
3 weeks ago
My 6 year old son has been attending Thame Chiropractic Clinic for 4 months for retained primitive reflexes. We have really noticed a big difference. Social situations with loud noise like fates, parties etc were really difficult, it was too much for Brody that he would sometimes have a melt down which would be so upsetting for him and us. He now copes so much better with these situations and his concentration, learning, reading has improved loads. His posture is also so much better. Arthur and the team at the clinic have been fantastic. Brody loves going to get adjusted. Highly recommend
Andy Taylor
a month ago
Arthur and his lovely team deliver an amazing service to their clients. I am now free from years of back and neck pain.
Becky Hannaway
a month ago
I have found the team at Thame Chiropractic Clinic to be friendly, welcoming and highly professional. Financially they are on the higher end however I have been extremely happy with the treatment I have and continue to receive. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend their services.
Denise Martin
2 months ago
After years of struggling with bank pain after major surgery I decided to bite the bullet and try to resolve my issues - I cannot fault the team at Thame Chiropractic. Having been on an intensive plan and now in recovery I still visit to maintain my healthy spine. The tools I have been given to help myself outside of my appointments is first class and it was worth every penny to be able to take a full and active part in life again. Life is too short - take the time and spend a little on yourself to give yourself the best life and future possible.